6 Lessons I learnt from being unemployed
"We regret to inform you…." “Tjo , another rejection. But at least this company had the decency to let me know daram !”, I think to myself as I receive yet another rejection. These days I’ve grown numb to the rejection, the way it happens so often. You can apply for over 30 jobs in a week and receive radio silence from all of them. At one point I even thought the platform I was using was broken but I then remembered that I am using a lot of different platforms so- no moghel, that’s not it. I redid my CV and even filled in those CVs that companies provide on their platforms but still - dololo . Some weeks are better than others where you are motivated to fill in all those profiles but other weeks you wonder how long this will go on for. How long will I sit at home, broke and gaining weight lol?! I know I’m not the only one, there are many of us out there. The unemployment stats in SA are shocking and somewhat discouraging but that's not what I want to touch on in...